Latinx Printmaking Panel SGC International- March 7th

Latinx Printmaking Panel SGC International- March 7th


Location: Fairmont Hotel, Banquet Level, Oak room

Time: 7 March, 10:15–11:45am

Chair: Michael Menchaca, visual artist

Panelists: Lisette Chavez, Creator of Show Me Your Print Shop, San Antonio, Texas

Paloma Mayorga, Director, Print Austin, Texas

Alan Serna, Cofounder and Master Printer, feral editions, San Antonio, Texas

This panel discussion addresses the Latinx ethos in contemporary printmaking. The Latino, or “Latinx” identity, is inherently connected to Texas history and has been historically stigmatized through print materials. We will talk about the history of prints as a tool for social influence and the ethics behind the printmaker’s intentions. The theme of Texchange is connected to the Latino heritage within the Tejano population that identifies with both U.S. and Mexican cultures.

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